April, my absolutely favorite month of the year (also my birthday month). The sun is a shining although there is a little nip in the air this week, but I am looking for that feeling of spring renewal. I'm trying my best to feel my blessings and find those little moments to celebrate life. To be honest, I was a little hesitant of this year's birthday, as I will the same age that my mother was when she lost her life (I was only 18). She left me before she ever imagined, and the thought of how fragile life is weighs on me. She was so full of love and life it not only broke our hearts to lose her, but it must have shattered hers. She was definitely a woman of faith and always a cup half full type of person so in honor of her, I am going to recall the so many good things from my past year. My wildflowers continue to grow in unexpected ways, my family is celebrating so many milestones, my niece's upcoming wedding and my daughter's coming of age celebration, my husband's new career, and for Wildflower, I am looking forward to expressing my creative energy for so many flower occasions this year and for new flower adventures still to be imagined. I asked my dad what my mom would have thought of me working with flowers, and he mentioned, she would be so proud. To all of your Aprils, may you see what is before you, the beauty of spring, and your potential for your own renewal.